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January 2, 2011 in Latest News Releases

UK Data Center Can now host VPS servers

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ABD Technology - AU data center for shared and VPS Hosting

Our UK data center was made available back way back in 2007. For the past three years, only shared web hosting accounts could be located there – we did not offer dedicated servers or VPS servers in the UK.

And now, 3 years later, VPS servers can be purchased in the BlueSquare Data Center in Maidenhead. This way, all European customers, looking for a VPS can get one, located near to them, which will improve both the browsing and connection speeds for them and for their website visitors.

VPS in the UK for no added cost


The even better news is that there will be no price increase for VPS servers, hosted in the UK – the price will remain the same. Customers will be able to choose their preferred data center at sign up

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