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[pullquote2 style=”left” quote=”dark”]How will Essential Server Care Plan benefit you?[/pullquote2]


We monitors all of your servers, and our expert NOC technicians will call you – day or night – when critical issues arise. We remote restart to minimizes down-time and reduces after-hours call volume.

[custom_frame_right shadow=”on”]Essential Server Care[/custom_frame_right]In addition to creating alerts & tickets, we leverage our extensive knowledgebase to provide tips and information for remediation and resolution. We ensure that AV software is up-to-date, minimizing the risk of security breaches and providing peace of mind. We do extensive testing on Microsoft security patch rollups and publish a detailed report that lists issues we’ve identified along with any steps to avoid or remediate the problem.

[message type=”custom” width=”50%” align=”center” start_color=”#343A41″ end_color=”#343A41″ border=”#333333″ color=”#ffffff”]Essential Care: Monitoring with alerts, day & night[/message]


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Essential Server Care – Key Features

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  • 24×7 chat support for Product related issues
  • Hardware & software audits
  • Ticket-based workflow
  • Ticket escalation with steps to resolution
  • Multi-vendor antivirus management – we update definitions for AV vendors

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  • Remote restart of services and applications (NOC Access Level 1, only)
  • Automated low disk space alert and clean-up (Windows/ NOC Access Level 1, only)
  • Automated patching with flexible installation schedule and optional reboot

