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[pullquote2 style=”left” quote=”dark”]How will Elite Server Care Plan benefit you?[/pullquote2]
Free Network Availability Monitoring and Time-consuming routine maintenance tasks (see ‘Key Features’) can be outsourced to the NOC team, freeing you to focus on growing your business.
[custom_frame_right shadow=”on”][/custom_frame_right]Our AV management is expanded even further – NOC technicians update definitions and assist in the cleanup of found viruses, minimizing the time you have to spend managing your AV solution.
Lights out management is expanded; the NOC will reboot any server identified as offline, regardless of alert or issue. You can create and assign issue-based tickets to our NOC technicians for full problem resolution.
[message type=”custom” width=”50%” align=”center” start_color=”#343A41″ end_color=”#343A41″ border=”#333333″ color=”#ffffff”]Elite Care: A complete IT team ready to work for you[/message]
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Elite Server Care – Key Features
(includes all Essential features)
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- 24×7 chat support for Product related issues
- Hardware & software audits
- Ticket-based workflow
- Ticket escalation with steps to resolution
- Multi-vendor antivirus management – we update definitions for AV vendors
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- Remote restart of services and applications (NOC Access Level 1, only)
- Automated low disk space alert and clean-up (Windows/ NOC Access Level 1, only)
- Automated patching with flexible installation schedule and optional reboot
(includes all Preferred features)
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NOC resolves up to 90% of alerts related to:
- Active Directory , Exchange, DHCP/IIS, Blackberry
- Citrix Terminal (except XenApp 6), Sharepoint, SQL
- Windows Terminal Server, VMware, VSS, SBS, Windows/Hyper-V
- Diagnose all uncertain hardware alerts (i.e. potential battery replacements)
- Resolve Windows patch failures and reboot based on patch schedule you set
- Reinstall corrupt antivirus software, and offer 24×7 chat support for antivirus issues
- Email Roundup Monitoring
- Automated restarts and low disk space clean-up
- Discounted Tech Advantage projects
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Assign occasional maintenance/projects tickets including:
- AV scan and remediation for infections
- Service Pack Installation
- Driver updates for servers
- Firmware updates (with LOM access, or – if vendor provides through the console)
- Server Cluster Health Checks and remediation/recommendation for improvement
- Citrix XenApp hotfixes, rollup installations and configuration
- Exchange
- Health Checks for Exchange 2003 and above – includes running Best Practice Analyser and fixing issues found
- Defrag and repair Exchange servers
- Update expired web certificates
- Setup email roundtrip monitoring
- Configure recipient update policies for multiple domains
- VMware
- Health Checks of configurations, including vCPU and memory, network setup
- Review error logs using vSphere or vCenter
- Reconfigure VMs & host data stores
- Hyper-V:
- Health Checks including network setup, memory cache, RAID configuration
- Configure VMs
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Assign issue-based tickets, including:
- Exchange
- Outlook web or Outlook Anywhere Access
- DAG replication & Active Sync issues
- Spam & Auto discovery feature issues
- Restore mailboxes as part of a disaster recovery
- Outlook calendar issues
- Remote web workspace
- WSUS & Windows Backup issues
- Sharepoint & SBS Console crashes
- Reporting and monitoring services
- VMware performance issues on VMs and host machines
- Hyper-V performance issues
- Citrix XenApp Server:
- Login, Secure gateway, Web access, Single Sign On, and Licensing
- Session issues, including time out, printing user profile, certificate
- Publish Application, including access, streaming, and publishing issues
- Port, Load balancing, and XTE Service
- Email delivery issues
- Server performance issues, including high CPU, low memory, memory leaks and slow response
- Group Policy failures, such as settings not getting applied to user or machines
- Windows server errors (including blue screens, memory dumps, & errors related to third-party apps on a besteffort basis)
- Free Network Availability Monitoring
- Proactive rebooting of servers (when they go offline) via Lights Out Management
- Up to 40% discounts for Tech Advantage projects